Today, community is vital to software development. The developer who is plugged into community benefits from the latest news, tools, industry connections, educational content, best practices, open source projects, and places to ask for help and advice. The developer who works in a bubble misses out on those things. Community is not only a place to receive those benefits but also to contribute, which is a great way to both help out and make a name for yourself.
Just where is the community for .NET on AWS developers? In this post, we'll review some different places. A handy site to bookmark is the .NET on AWS Community page.
You'll find the latest AWS news, events, and technical content from AWS and community sources on dotnetonaws Twitter.
Let's start with news. On this feed, we share the latest AWS news and announcements relevant to .NET developers. That can include previews, new releases, and updates to services, tools, and open source projects from AWS.
Technical Content
We share new technical content daily from AWS and community sources. AWS content comes from AWS developer advocates, solution architects, and engineers in the form of blogs, video, technical guides, and books.
A great deal of technical content also comes from community, including AWS Community Builders, AWS Heroes, and sponsored influencers.
Live Stream and Podcasts
You'll hear about podcasts and live stream events. Some of these events are impromptu, so following the feed is a good way to not miss them.
You'll hear out about in-person and online developer events. Some of are biggest events are AWS re:Invent every November in Las Vegas, and .NET Enterprise Developer Days conferences.
Local Meetups
We also share .NET on AWS talks at local events, such as user group meetups.
AWS Developers Slack
AWS Developers Slack is a pubic slack workspace hosted by AWS for the AWS developer community. The #dotnet channel is for .NET discussions, and #dotnet-news carries the same feed of announcements and content posted to Twitter.
Slack is a great place to post questions and have discussions. Although you can also post questions on Q & A sites like AWS re:Post and Stack Overflow, Slack allows you to have nuanced, multi-party discussions. It's also moderated to be a safe, friendly place to ask developer questions.
Visit the AWS Community Page for an invite link to join AWS Developers Slack.
AWS re:Post
AWS re:Post is a question and answer (Q&A) service, part of the AWS Free Tier. It's driven by the community of AWS customers, partners, and employees. This AWS-managed Q & A service offers crowd-sourced, expert-reviewed answers to your technical questions about AWS.
Post your questions or search for answers under the .NET on AWS topic.
You'll find featured blogs from AWS and community sources on the .NET on AWS Community page.
YouTube Channels
You'll find the .NET on AWS YouTube playlist, and YouTube channels from sponsored influencers, on the .NET on AWS Community page. Session recordings from AWS developer events and webinars can be found on the .NET on AWS YouTube playlist. Influencer videos educate on a variety of technical topics.
Developer Events
Several times a year, AWS hosts .NET Enterprise Developer Days in a different region of the world. These are virtual and/or live conferences, done in collaboration with DeveloperWeek Cloud. These conferences are free, and feature knowledgeable, approachable presenters from AWS.
Every November is AWS re:Invent, the premier AWS developer conference held in Las Vegas. The in-person conference is paid, virtual attendance is free. There's a dedicated .NET track with sessions, chalk talks, and workshops.
After the events, session recording videos can be found at the .NET on AWS YouTube Playlist.
Open Source
AWS is invested in .NET open source and is a member of the .NET Foundation. You'll find featured open source projects listed on (you guessed it) the .NET on AWS Community page.
You can request AWS credits for your open source project.
Well, there you have it. The .NET on AWS community is active, with a flood of content, events, and support available. Take advantage of it, and be a part of it.