Here are some useful resources and community links for working in .NET on Amazon Web Services:

AWS Web Sites

Web SiteDescription
.NET on AWS websiteThe official home of .NET development on AWS
.NET on AWS Community pageWhere to connect with the .NET on AWS community
AWS SDK for .NET documentationSDK documentation


.NET on AWS BlogAWS blog channel for .NET developers
AWS News BlogSearch AWS blogs for .NET content.
AWS Developer Tools Blog.NET section of the AWS developer tools blog.
Bryan Hogan's No Dogma Blog.NET on AWS wisdom from Developer Advocate Bryan J. Hogan.
David Pallmann's Technology BlogWeekly .NET on AWS content, including a Hello, Cloud getting started with .NET on AWS series.
Microsoft Workloads on AWS BlogContent on migrating and modernizing Windows and SQL Server applications on AWS
Rahul Nath's blogRahul Nath is an AWS Community Builder in Brisbane, Australia.
Steve Roberts' blogSteve Robert is an AWS Developer Advocate for .NET and PowerShell
What's New on AWSAWS service, feature, and region expansion announcements


Found It! The .NET Developer's Guide to AWS DocumentationA roadmap to .NET on AWS technical content
.NET 6 Support on AWS GuideLists current and upcoming .NET 6 support on AWS.
AWS SDK for .NET Developer GuideDeveloper Guide for the AWS SDK for .NET. Describes the features of the SDK and how to use them.
Monolithic to Microservice Journey for .NET Applications This technical guide covers considerations for refactoring a monolithic ASP.NET application into a microservice-based architecture.

Books ($)

Developing on AWS with C#Authors Noah Gift, founder of Pragmatic AI Labs, and James Charlesworth, engineering manager at Pendo, take you through the depth and breadth of .NET development on AWS. Buy
Pro .NET on Amazon Web ServicesIn this book, Steve Roberts and William Penberthy provide in-depth guidance and best practices for .NET developers new to working with Amazon Web Services. Buy
Running Windows containers on AWSMarcio Morales' complete guide to successfully running Windows containers on Amazon ECS, EKS, and AWS Fargate. Buy

Q & A Discussion Boards

Discussion BoardDescription
AWS re:PostQ & A from AWS customers, AWS partners, and AWS employees. Hint: search/use the .NET on AWS tag.
Stack Overflow: aws + .netPopular technical Q & A site.


.NET on AWS GitHub HomeHere you'll find find libraries, tools, and resources to help you build .NET applications and services on AWS.

Social Media

Twitter@dotnetonawsEverything new with .NET on AWS, including announcements, blogs, videos, software, and community content.
@socketnormAWS Software Development Engineer Norm Johanson (US).
@davidpallmannAWS Product Manager David Pallmann (US).
@fbouterucheAWS Developer Advocate François Bouteruche (Paris)
@HurleyInCloudAWS Developer Advocate Josh Hurley (US).
@bellevuesteveAWS Developer Advocate Steve Roberts (US).


AWS Skill Builder Courses.NET digital courses from AWS. Filter on language and search for .NET.
Pluralsight AWS CoursesAWS training on multiple topics and levels on Pluralsight.


Video ChannelDescription
.NET on AWS Playlist on YouTube.NET AWS videos from re:Invent.
Nick Chapsas: AWSNick Chapsas' AWS tutorials YouTube playlist.
Rahul Nath: .NET on AWSRahul Nath's .NET on AWS tutorials YouTube playlist.
Wes Doyle: AWSWes Doyle's AWS YouTube playlist.